JanaLove is Love

Jana Machatová finds memory residue in family photo albums. She also likes to uncover anonymous narratives, defragmenting and reconstructing unknown lives hidden in the dust of old magazines and postcards. Love is apparent in her portraits of couples radiant with happiness; she emphatically and attentively inlays it in fantasy and melancholic scenes evoking the visuality of a classical type of jewelry, a locket with a photo inside, pertaining particularly to the functions of memory, sorrow and loyalty. Her jewelry shows that she does not rely on linear time. She assures us that although the pain of loss will never disappear, deep and flattened furrows of time  will remain preserved in a tiny smile and pathetic officiality, a moving gesture of a hand, in vistas of lenses.

— Viera Kleinová

Apple Story / brooch, silver, paper in plastic, gold foil, pearls, 2012
She and He / brooch, silver, paper in plastic, silver foil, 2011
Alice in Wunderland / brooch, silver, paper in plastic, gold foil,pearls,2012
Black Horses / brooch, silver, paper in plastic, silver foil,pearls,2011
Double portrait / brooch, silver, paper in plastic, gold foil, pearls, 2012
...he is being carried..../ brooch, silver, paper in plastic, silver foil, pearls, 2012
Trophies / brooch, silver, paper in plastic, gold foil, pearls, 2013
Neverending Story / necklace, silver, paper in plastic, gold foil, pearls, 2012

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