Curriculum VitaeJana

Jana Machatová

Born 1972


1986-1990School of Applied Arts in Kremnica, Department of jewel

1991-1997Academy of Fine Art & Design in Bratislava, Studio of Metal and Jewel

1995-1996Muthesius Hochschule - Fachhochschule für Kunst und gestaltung in Kiel, Department of ceramic, Germany

since 2020Academy of Fine Art & Design in Bratislava, Studio of Metal and Jewel, doctoral studies

Solo exhibitions

1999Jana Machatová – Peter Machata, Gallery Kopa, Košice, Slovakia

2000Machatová – Machata, Gallery V&V, Vienna, Austria

2004Ag 0,6 mm, with Peter Machata, ÚĽUV Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia

2006Bilder aus dem Familienalbum, Galllery V&V, Vienna, Austria

2009Sentimental Value, Gallery V&V, Vienna, Austria

2010Sentimental Value, Gallery Apex, Hopfgarten, Austria

2012Love is Love, Gallery Eggplant, Bratislava, Slovakia

2013Ready to wear, with Peter Machata Orava Gallery, Dolný Kubín, SlovakiaLove over Gold, Gallery V&V, Viedeň, Vienna, Austria

2014Jana Machatová – Peter Machata, K. Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia

2016Expecting a miracle, with Peter Machata,Gallery Čin Čin, Slovakia

2016Private expeditions -Jana Machatová & Peter Machata, Ernest Zmetak Art Gallery, Nove Zamky, Slovakia 

2017On the Roads, with Peter Machata , RONA Gallery, Lednické Rovne, Slovakia

20181/1, with Peter Machata, Gallery Magna, Piešťany, Slovakia1+1,with Peter Machata ,Gallery NOVA, Bratislava, Slovakia20+,with Peter Machata, Rosenfeld Palace, Žilina, Slovakia

2019...Only the Stories Remain, Jana Machatová/ Peter Machata, Zvolen Castle – Slovak National Gallery, SlovakiaTime in Us: Jana Machatová and Peter Machata, The Communication Potential of Contemporary Jewellery, The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, Prague, Czech  Republic

2020Simple Stories by Jana Machatova and Peter Machata, online exhibition, LA Joaillerie par Mazlo Gallery, Paris, FranceShow Me the Face, GMB, Bratislava, Slovakia
Ordinary Life, Gallery Slavik, Vienna, Austria

2022Echo of the Mind, Slovak Jewelry of Jana Machatova & Peter Machata Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugauvpils, Latvia
Dialogues with the Past, Slovak Jewelry of Jana Machatova & Peter Machata, Art Noveau Centre, Riga, LatviaUnder the Surface, Slovak Jewelry of Jana Machatova & Peter Machata, Museum of Applied Arts and Design, Vilnius, LithuaniaThe Edge of Banality, TOBE Gallery, Budapest Jewellery Week, Budapest, HungaryJana Machatova+Peter Machata, Siple Stories..., La Joaillerie par Mazlo, Paris, FrranceFrauenfleiss, Ony Dve Gallery, Braunschweig, Germany

2023Jana&Peter Machatovi, The Edge OF Reality, Resonance Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic 

Collective exhibitions (selection)

1996Schmuck 96, Munich, Germany

1997Talente 97, Munich, Germany

1999Schmuck 99, Munich, Germany

2000Schmuck 2000, Munich, GermanyThe Ego Adorned, Antverpy, Belgium

2003Valuable Links–Jewels from the OSCE countries, Centre Céramique, Maastricht, The Netherlands

2008Ravary, Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

2011Fremde Federn, Kunst.wirt.schaft., Graz (AT), 2012 V&V, Vienna, AustriaSEXI, 20th International Jewellery Competition, Gallery of Art in Legnica, Legnica, Poland

2012Schmuck 2012, Munich, GermanyJewel Book, Gallery WCC-BF, Mons, BelgiumBurbulas, Bubble, Bublina, Burbulis, Arka Gallery, Vilnius Lithuania, Riga, Latvia

2015Omnia Vanitas, Gallery du WCC-BF, Mons, Belgium

2016Schmuck 2016,  Munich, Germany

2017Zona bez hranic, Gallery N, Jablonec Nad Nisou, Czech Republic

2018Zóna bez hraníc, Gallery SmetanaQ, Praha, Czech Republic, Gallery Umelka, Bratislava, Slovakia, Muzeum Miedzi, Legnica, PolandJewelry obsession, The Museum of Bohemian Paradise,Turnov, Czech Republic

2019Instant Proximity,Galeria X, jewellery exhibition from the 25th international contemporary jewelry symposium in Kremnica, Bratislava, Slovakia

20205th International Biennial of Contemporary Metal Art METALLOphone, Lithuanian National Museum, Vilnius , Lithuania

2021Nuda Vita, The practice of collective and political body, a digital edition for Munich Jewellery Week 2021
Double Yellow Line, Winzavod-Contemporary art center, Moscow, RussiaOn a Visit / Art Jewellery, Jana Machatova, Kristyna Spanihelova, Peter Machata, Orava Gallery, Dolny Kubin, Slovakia 

2022Märchen, Mythen und Geschichten, Galerie Handwerk, Munchen, Germany20 Jahre kunst.wirt.schaft, Kunstverein kunst.wirt.schaft, Graz, AustriaMETALLOphone 6: Memory of a Place, The Contemporary Metel Art Biennial, Museum of Applied Arts and Design, Vilnius, LithuanianPortrait of a Lady, Kristýna Španihelová, Jana Machatová, Peter Machata, Statua Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia

2023Quality, 31st International Jewellery Competition, Gallery of Art in Legnica, Legnica, PolandTarot, Contemporary Art Jewellery Exhibition, LA Joaillerie par Mazlo Gallery, Paris, FranceWhat Dreams Are Made Of, Thereza Pedrosa Gallery guest of Quittenbaum Art Auctions, Munich, Germany

Workshops, symposiums

19923th International symposium of  Artistic jewel, Kremnica /SK/

1998I. Interntional symposium of jewel „Art in the Spa“, Štrbské Pleso /SK/

1999II. International symposium of jewel „Art in the Spa“, Štrbské Pleso /SK/

200210. Erfurter Schmucksymposium, Erfurt /D/

2004Sympozium Smrzovka /CZ/, international schmucksymposium

2008Ravary /B/, international workshop

20135SEM, international symposium hommage a Erna Masarovičová, Bratislava /SK/

201421th international symposium of artistic jewellery Kremnica 2015, Kremnica /SK/

201825th International contemporary jewelry symposium in Turnov 2018, The Museum of Bohemian Paradise,Turnov, /CZ/

Works in public collections

Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava /SK/Gallery of art, Legnica /PL/The Museum of Bohemian Paradise,Turnov, /CZ/The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, Prague, /CZ/


2020Současný evropský šperk, Mezinárodní šperkařská symposia v Turnově 1984-2018, Współczesna biżuteria europejska, Międzynarodowe sympozja jubilerskie w Turnovie 1984-2018, Internationale Schmuck-symposien in Turnov 1984-2018,Miroslav Cogan, Muzeum Českého ráje v Turnově, ISBN 978-80-87416-30-3

2019Silver Meetings 2, Legnica,Slawomir Fijalkowski, Zbigniew Kraska, Monika Szpatowicz, The Gallery of Art Legnica, ISBN:978-83-65841-53-7 

2017Narrative Jewelry-Tales from the toolbox,Mark Fenn, Schiffer Publishing, 

2011Jewelbook - International Annual of Contemporary Jewel Art 12/13, Stichting Kunstboek, Belgium 

2000Jan Walgrave (Hrsg.), Het VerSierde Ego, Ausst.Kat., Antwerpen


2020Crystal Wing 2020, with Peter Machata (Kristalove Kridlo) in the category Fine Arts for 2020.

Available in Galleries

© 2025 MachMach